Sunday, July 19, 2020

Project 4- Parts 2 & 3


Moving light object with still camera
F29, ISO 200, Shutter 2.5

Moving camera with still object
F10, ISO 320, Shutter 1/3

Zoom with slow shutter
F25, ISO 200, Shutter 2


Ambient light and movement with long exposure
F16, ISO 320, Shutter 3

Freeze/capture Motion with flash and long exposure
F25, ISO 200, Shutter 2.5

1 comment:

  1. Hello Hannah
    I really like your first picture, the lines that the lights make looks really cool. The stronger lines surrounded by the more wispy lines on that black background creates nice texture and light/shadow contrast. The second image also has nice shapes with the strong line of light in the center of the circles and the sporadic placement of them helps with leading the eye, along with the horizontal orientation of the lines.
    I like the coloring and texture of the glittery object in your third picture. It’s a little hard to notice the zoom motion but you can see it in the right side and I think the glitter areas also help show it.
    For your fourth picture, I think you captured the movement of the people well. I definitely struggled with this, so good job! I wish that one bright light wasn’t there it kind of distracts. And I also wish that the background wasn’t so blurred, maybe if you just stabilized the camera more.
    For your last picture, I really like the lines of the light and how it leads from the bottom left to the persons torso, getting more dense near the body. Again it would have been nice if the background wasn’t so blurred and you just got the movement of the lights and body.


Final Photo Sequence